
Advisory services

for foundations

We help foundations to make the world a better place for all and expand the potential impact of their capital base through the use of multiple impact approaches.

We provide expertise to really make the difference with your money by not only giving grants to important projects, but by using your money to create even more impact.

Think about investing in local entrepreneurs who provide services which create the impact your are looking for. for. Our ecosystem provides you with know-how all around venture philanthropic investments.

Various models of financial support exist and can really make a difference:

✦ Provide a first-loss guarantee to bring in additional investors

✦ Invest into share capital or provide a loan

✦ Impact-linked finance offers many different possibilities:

  • Impact incentives (grant paid out only if pre-agreed impact is achieved)

  • repayable grants

Based on our practical experience in many projects, we will work with you to find the most appropriate financing method to achieve your impact. Profound Know-how of Business Development of philantrosophpical business models and programs plus extensive national and international Network make us the right partner for you.

Some reference projects:

Toilets for All, Geneva

✦ Toilets For All is a Swiss foundation working to empower entrepreneurs, funders and organisations to deliver safe access to toilets for people living off the grid, leaving no one behind.

✦ We set up the foundation for the founders together with our network of advisors. In addition, we are advising them on how to start a venture philanthropy investment portfolio.

✦ We are also providing market research to find interesting WaSH entrepreneurs ready to scale to create a true impact in the underserved SDG 6

Large foundation in Basel

✦ In addition to substantial allocation of capital to professional impact investors, the foundation is also using part of its grant capital to provide capital to promising entrepreneurs with emerging solutions to build a better future for children and young people in their target market .

✦ C4i has assisted the foundation in the whole set-up of the strategy, the selection of local partners, the whole investment process and decision governance as well as the capacity and know-how building for these entrepreneurs

Use our expertise to have a more positive impact with your valuable capital. Just send us a note and we will be in touch swiftly.